Edmonds and Woodway have been part of the 7th Congressional District , but no longer after the end of the year. Currently, that is Rep Pamela Jayapal. However, starting with the primary and general election this fall, Edmond's voters will be voting and represented by the 2nd Congressional District. The reason voters are receiving a new voter registration card.

Based on the 2020 census, voters typically find some changes in local State and Federal voting districts every ten years. Those changes may or may not affect everyone, but in this case, it does affect those in Edmonds as Edmonds will become part of the 2nd Congressional District. If the voters State Legislative District changed, this too could trigger a new voter registration card.

Starting with the August 2nd primary races, Edmond's voters will choose those running in the 2nd District. Four other individuals will challenge current U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (D). His challengers will be Jason Call, who affiliates with the Democratic Party, and the three who identify themselves affiliating as Republicans, Leif Johnson, Carrie Kennedy and Jon Welch.
Because Washington offers an open primary, all voters choose one person and the top two move on to the General Election, regardless of their party affiliation.
This change does not affect U.S. Senate races as those two positions are voted on Statewide and held for six years. However, how we vote as an open primary does work the same. This year, Senator Patty Murray is up for re-election and has garnered 17 challengers.
The primary election will take place on August 2nd, 2022, and the general election will be held on November 8, 2022.